
It seems like a good place to start by telling you a little about me – why I do what I do and how it is a little different than most therapists you’ll come by.

I’ve been a therapist in Columbus, OH for nearly 15 years now. My journey has included working in different settings and with different populations throughout the years. I have had significant training in 5 different evidence-based modalities, but primarily use EMDR therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in my present practice (of course those are blended with a touch of mindfulness and general empowerment, but you’ll learn to assume that about me if you stick around long enough…)

Over the years and through all this training and experience, I couldn’t help but notice a few things that I have found to be true no matter which population or modality I was working with:

·       Many symptoms that present in therapy clients are not actually organic mental health problems, but a result of disconnection, crossed boundaries, and in general being far too hard on ourselves. Our culture and social programming do not support emotional wellness.

·       For those who come in looking for therapy for perfectionism, imposter syndrome, or help coping with trauma – addressing the issues listed above is usually far more effective at creating wellness than trying to diagnose and manage symptoms.

·       There is a great deal of overlap in types of therapy, and the most important factor in success in therapy is how my clients feel about it. If my clients are feeling engaged, safe enough to trust me, and willing to do some hard work, our outcomes are better every time.

These days I am focusing my therapy practice on working with women who are healing from trauma or struggling with anxiety. My clients often come in for high-functioning anxiety (like perfectionism, imposter syndrome, etc) or just in general having a hard time coping with stress. Many women come in because they have what they believe is a “good” life, but still don’t feel well. I am most passionate about helping women feel not just good enough, but to really live out their fullest and most vibrant lives.

I also am focusing a part of my practice not just on individual therapy, but on making sure I am reaching as many folks as possible with other ways to work on creating wellness in their lives. This has looked like interactive wellness workshops, consultation with organizations, and a bit of writing. In the near future I’ll have some ecourses and skill development groups to offer, too! More on those later, so stay tuned!

I’d love to hear a little more about you - feel free to drop an introduction in the comments!