Where to catch me live:

Therapeutic Journaling Workshop

A one-time 2.5 hour workshop for folks looking to begin or enhance their own personal journaling process. We will start off discussing the benefits of journaling, hangups on getting started, work through some journaling prompts together, and come up with a plan to actually incorporate it into your wellness toolbox.

Attendees will also receive a free copy of my Journaling Prompts Worksheet to keep the writing flowing and the opportunity to sign up for a follow-up group coaching call a few weeks after the workshop to check in on how it’s going!

Let’s Take Back the Holidays!

A one-time 2.5 hour workshop for anyone who loves making sure everyone around them has a great holiday experience but spends the season overwhelmed and is left exhausted after it's all over. Between never-ending merry-making tasks and navigating difficult relationships with extended family, you are left dreading the holiday season each year. Let's learn some concrete ways to make this season enjoyable, while not sacrificing all the magic you love to make!

Attendees will reflect a bit on what makes the holiday season so overwhelming, get clear on what their priorities are for this year, and walk away with a plan for setting better boundaries and managing stress this year!

Self-Connection Circle

A six-week, closed coaching group for women looking to reconnect to Self, improve their emotional wellness, and implement habits to keep it that way. For women feeling like they have lost themselves in motherhood/work/relationships, aren’t sure why they don’t feel great or how to fix it, or are constantly trying to figure out their “self-care”.

Meets online one evening a week in February and March (exact dates TBD)                             

Inaugural group price: $300

Interested? Unsure? Reach out via the form below and we can chat more and see if it’s the right fit for you, no strings attached.