Workshops and Speaking

what it looks like:

I absolutely love speaking to groups about Creating Wellness and how they can make real, effective self-care come alive in their lives. I have ready-made workshops on Creating Wellness (an overview), Reconnecting to Self, Setting Healthy Boundaries, and Shifting your Self-Talk.

I am also available to customize a workshop or talk to your group’s needs.

This might be for you if:

  • You like what you’ve heard me say and think it would be beneficial for your group, business, or event

  • You are looking for ways to incorporate wellness or self-care into your groups, workplace, or event

  • You have a group of people who struggle with self-care or wellness, and need a format to discuss this in

next steps:

Check out my resource page, courses and see what I’m all about.

Contact me here and we can set up a free consultation call to discuss your needs and how we might be able to work together.