The Ethics of Self-Care

The program offers a thorough and clinical lens to look at an often-discussed and rarely-understood aspect of being a Social Worker, Counselor, or other helper, and makes the claim that how we care for ourselves and maintain our wellness is not just a trendy buzzword but an ethical issue paramount to good professional practice.

 Participants will be able to:

  • Clearly define the concept of self-care from a mental health and wellness perspective

  • Identify impairment and resulting ethical concerns as it relates to their field of practice.

  • Identify cultural, agency, social and psychological factors influence self-care choices

  • Identify and create plans to overcome barriers to consistent and effective self-care

Pending approval for CEUs by Ohio CSWMFT Board

Date and Location TBD

Preventing Burnout in Private Practice

This program is geared toward mental health clinicians who are in private practice and want to understand, prevent, or remediate burnout in themselves. We will look at ways that burnout shows up specific to those in private practice as well as the prevalence in helping professionals in general. We will also develop skills for assessing and addressing burnout, and sustainable habits for preventing burnout in the future. We will explore a unique perspective on creating wellness in ourselves in ways that are concrete, realistic, and sustainable. Participants will walk away with actionable steps to take.

Participants will be able to:

  • Identify and differentiate between stress, burnout, and vicarious trauma

  • Understand how forms of burnout impact clinical care

  • Assess for burnout in themselves and, secondarily, colleagues

  • Address and remediate burnout once discovered

  • Sustainably create healthy boundaries, connections, and self-care habits to prevent burnout long-term

Pending approval for CEUs by Ohio CSWMFT Board

Date and Location TBD